- What is incorporation?
Incorporation is the process by which a new or existing business registers as a company. A business cannot be registered as a company unless it has been incorporated and registered at the Companies Registry under the Companies Act, 2015.
- Who can incorporate a company?
One or more legal persons (which includes individuals, companies, government owned entities, non-profit organizations and other legal persons excluding an unincorporated Trust) can form a company by subscribing their names to a memorandum of association.
3. What documents are required to incorporate a company?
To incorporate a company the following documents should be lodged at the Companies Registry for registration:
- company registration form (Form CR1)
- application for reservation of a company name (Form CR14)
- memorandum of association
- particulars of the directors and secretary (Form CR2and Form CR10)
- statement of nominal capital
- articles of association (however if model articles are adopted in entirety, there is no need for a copy to be lodged at the Companies Registry for filing)
- notification of the residential address of directors and company secretary (Form CR8 and CR12)
- copy of the Kenyan national identification of each director and secretary or, copy of the Kenyan foreigner certificate, or in the case of a director who is not a Kenyan citizen and is not resident in Kenya, a copy of that director’s passport,
- a passport-sized photograph of each director and the company secretary (please see Note 11 below on requirement to appoint a company secretary).