Where is Act 1 scene 1 of the Samaritan set?
- Sagrada Secondary School, Maracas Municipality
- End of year closing day, 10 am (P1)
Who is Mr. Carmona?
The school Deputy Principal (P1)
What two events are scheduled to take place at the end of year school closing program?
- The Samaritan – the winning innovation in that year’s Secondary Schools National Innovation Competition – is to be officially launched in Maracas Municipality
- The students who created the winning innovation Alvita and Montano are to be presented with a prize (P1)
Who will preside over the launch?
The Mayor of Maracas Municipality his worship Hon. Mossi (P1)
Who are the other people attending the launch?
- A few distinguished municipal leaders
- members of the local school board
- the principal
- teachers
- students (P2)
Mention the leaders and distinguished guests who are present at the launch.
- The Mayor, Mossi-oa-Tunya
- The Deputy Mayor, Hon. Ramdaye
- Municipality political opposition leader, Hon. Basdeo
- CEO Maracas Municipality , Mr. Harvester
- School Principal, Ms. Narine
- Members of the local school board
Who is the Ethics and Innovation teacher at Sagrada Secondary School?
Ms. Nicole (P3)
Identify the two students who created the winning innovation at the secondary schools national innovation competition.
Alvita and Montano
When Montano travels into the future, he sees Alvita working at a corner in a city. What is her occupation?
She works as a cobbler (P3)
How does Alvita look?
She looks severely battered and her nose is permanently running. (P3)
According to Montano’s vision of the future, what will be the state of millions of youths 50 years from now?
- Millions of young people will be loitering aimlessly in the streets and villages without gainful employment
- All of them will be poor, hungry and angry (P5)
How come Alvita fails to secure a good job despite her good education?
The country produces more graduates each year than the number of jobs it is able to create. (P5)
What was Montano’s occupation in his vision?
He earned his livelihood as a pannist with a not-so-popular steel band. (P5)
Joblessness was not Montano’s main concern. He was more concerned with the way Alvita’s nose was running. Why was her nose running like that?
Because of the awful smell in the city. All cities had a bad stench because cleaning water was very scarce (P6)
Why was there no water?
Climate change
- It was raining once a year, at most for only 10 minutes
- The new climate could hardly support planet or animal life (P6)
Apart from lack of water, which other problems does Montano see in his vision?
- Inadequate food – people were eating strange things like insects, crawling creatures, rodents and sea creatures that could survive the harsh climate, plastic, synthetic fibre, and other bizarre things like gunny bags like in the case of Alvita (P6)
- Low life expectancy – dropped from 80 years to 30-40 years (P7)
- Diseases and malnutrition – many people could not afford medicine and good food
- High rates of crime – people were slaughtered like chicken
- Corruption – law enforcers and judges only served those who greased their palms
- Lawlessness – those who had no avenue for protection and justice took the law into their own hands. That is the situation today but it is aggravated over the 50 years. (P7)
How is Alvita’s vision of the future entirely different from Montano’s?
- Creativity – intelligent robots had replaced professionals like judges and police officers
- Increased life expectancy to over 700 years – Drugs had been developed for regenerating body cells in such a way that no one could grow old
- There was no need for jobs – Machines were doing all the work. Intelligent machines ran factories, hotels and hospitals.(P9)
- Self-driven vehicles
- Venturing outside earth, conquering new territories in other parts of the universe
- Developed technology for cleaning the air of carbon emissions thus solving the problems of climate change.(P9)
Nicole and Montano find Alvita’s vision impractical. Why?
Hospitals today barely have medicine. Nicole wonders where the resources will come from. (P9)
How does the Samaritan App work?
- It is a simple mobile Application on which people share information, videos, texts and photos just as they do on other social media platforms.
- It has digital pigeonholes where letters, notifications and other communications are sent in soft format.(P10-11)
How has the Samaritan App been used on trial in protecting the environment?
- People took photographs and videos of illegal activities that degrade the environment in their neighbourhoods
- They provided details on the location where the activities were taking place and the people involved
- The information was posted on the pigeonhole of the municipal department responsible for the environment on the App
- Officials only needed to log into the App and check their pigeonholes to see the reports the people were sending. (P11)
How does the Samaritan App help in ensuring the proper use of public resources?
- People share information about the use of resources, for example the municipal procurement process
- People are sharing information on what the municipal council is procuring, how tenders are awarded, who wins the tenders, whether those awarded deliver the goods and services required, the duration of delivery etc
- The information is pigeonholed with the crimes and integrity Commission (P12)
How do Mayor Mossi and the students react when Alvita shares this insight about the Samaritan App?
- Mayor Mossi scratches his head thoughtfully, sips some water, turns uncertainly towards the school principal and then Harvester, leans forward on his seat, clears his throat, speaks. (P12)
- The students clap for Alvita.
Where do the innovators of the Samaritan App get the information, for example on procurement?
From the people who are ready to volunteer information that advances the public good
What informed the naming of the Samaritan App?
It was named after the parable of the Good Samaritan narrated in the good book. (P13)
How do the developers know that people will not write lies on the Samaritan App?
People will take responsibility for what they write. As indicated in the terms and conditions of using the App, all users take responsibility for what they post. (P13)
What does “Mossi-oa-Tunya” mean?
‘The smoke that thunders’
For how long does Mayor Mossi want to live?
472 more years
Mayor Mossi says they will neither launch the Samaritan App nor present the prize to the innovators. What reason does he give for this?
- He says the innovation is outstanding – so good that it could have far-reaching implications on areas of their social, economic and political life.
- Municipal leaders need time to reflect on these implications
- He claims the App may turn out to be a platform for misinformation, lies and witch-hunt. (P15)
- He asks Nicole and the principal to halt any activities regarding the App. (P16)
When is the president scheduled to officially launch the App at the national level?
Early next year when schools reopen(P16)
Who conducted the assessments of the innovations?
- Senior officials at the Ministry of Education
- Experienced software engineers(P17)
Mayor Mossi wants Nicole write a letter to the education officials expressing his reservations about the App. Why is this impossible at this point?
The App has been online for months and has been taken over by the National Information and Communication Technology Corporation. (P18)
When Mayor Mossi instructs Nicole to write a letter to the education officials and copy his office through the principal, after how long does he expect the letter? How does Nicole respond?
- In an hour’s time
- She says she will do what is right (P18)
Ms. Narine is almost sure Nicole will not write the letter. Why?
Nicole doesn’t usually compromise on what she thinks is right. (P19)
How does Mossi threaten Ms. Narine after she says this?
He points at Narine with his walking stick and tells her to ensure his orders are obeyed, otherwise Narine and Nicole would be in a lot of trouble.